民族学与人类学研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有24803项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.246秒)
穆立立. 欧洲民族概论. 中国社会科学出版社, 1998.10...
罗之基. 云南澜沧县东回区班利乡拉祜族社会经济调查报告. 载拉祜社会历史调查(一), 云南人民出版社, 1982.7...
王慧琴. 清代贵州古州苗民起义. 民族研究, 1980(2)...
王慧琴. 关于苗族支系的研究. 贵州民族研究, 1988(2)...
Antti. I, Hu He. Acoustical comparison of the monophthong systems in Finnish ,Mongolian and Udmurt. Journal of the International Phonetic Association35/1,1-13. 2005...
JiangDi, Kang Caijun: The Methods of Lemmatization of Bound Case forms in Modern Tibetan. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. IEEE Press,2003...
Weng Naiqun. Flows of heroin, people,capital,imagination,and the spread of HIV in southwest China. In Oakes,Tim and Luoisa Schein eds. Translocal China: Linkages,identities,and the reimagination of space,London and New York:Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group. 2006...
喻翠容. 中国布依族的双语现象(英文). 第15届世界语言学家会议论文集, 拉瓦尔大学出版社,1993.12...
Wang Huiqing. Regularites of Change in Kinship Nomenclature of Hmong(Miao). "亲属称谓"类型与演变国际研讨会论文(莫斯科), 1992...
Bao Huaiqiao. Research on Speech Production in China: A State-of-the-art Report. , pp.29-32,Oct. 16th 2000,Beijing....
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