中国社会学网(英文) 为您搜到的结果 约有201项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.044秒)
  Contents:  Preface ........................................................... Editor/001 China Steps into a New Stage of Growth——Analysis and Forecast, 2009-2010            .................. Research Group an the "Analysis and Forecast of            Social Development", CASS Li Peilin, Chen Guangjin/00......
The general representative Mr. Andrew Watson and three project officers with the secretary& assistant general representative visited out institute of sociology in the afternoon 6th Jan 2005. Three deputy directors, Prof. Li Peilin, Prof.Li Hanlin and Ms. Wang Xiaoxi met them in the conference room, the two parties have a friendly and warmly dis......
Deputy Director Zhang Yi will pay an academic visit to Austria and Germany. At a time when China and Germany marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and to deepen the strategic partnership of the two countries and promote the exchange and cooperation in the area of social welfare, the delegate will be sent by the Ch......
Subscriptions For subscription, please contact the following: Telephone: 86-21-66135633, 66135221 Website: E-mail: Domestic Subscription: The post offices across the country Code of post issue: 4-364 Foreign issuer: China International Book Trading Corporation Overseas code of post issue: M6036 Subscriptio......
From Durkheim to Weber, Parsons and Wall erstein, and from Rostow to Chenery, Lewis and Kuznets, sociologists and economists have formulated all kinds of social transformation theories, such as the transition from traditional to modern society, from pro industrial to indus trial society, from the periphery and semiper ipheral countries to the core,......
Author: Zheng Hangsheng, Xiao TongSource: Hebei Academic Journal,  Vol.31  Jan, 2011Abstract: Now having a better history of China’s sociology is a must.Connotation and extension must be made clear in the researches of the history of China’s sociology. In connotation, it is a comprehensive history of academic development, thought,discip......
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BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Sexuality educator Haffner explores the choppy seas of adolescence, from middle school to college. She outlines the basic adolescent developmental stages, appropriately cautioning that each person develops differently. Examining issues ranging from physical development to peer pressure to youth culture, the book is arranged......
BRIEF INTRODUCTION:Since the foundation of 揂nalysis and Forecast of Chinese Social Situation?project group of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, it is the eleventh blue book of society. The emphasis of the book is as follows: add the contents about building a well-off society in an all-round way, emphasize the importance of social reform, and pay......
BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Social policy is a new conception to Chinese. Then what is social policy? As a subject of modern social sciences, what is its developing situation internationally? How globalization would influence on social policy? Obviously, social policy is a social scientific subject that emphasized application. Then what influence will......
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