中国社会科学院财经战略研究院 为您搜到的结果 约有10244项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.174秒)
2000年以来服务贸易与服务业增长速度的比较分析 /裴长洪  杨志远

中国人口红利的经济增长“尾效”研究——兼论刘易斯拐点后的中国经济 /王伟同

房价波动与财政收入:传导机制与实证分析 /王先柱  赵奉军

新型农村养老保险制度中财政补贴对农民缴费能力影响分析——基于2010年河北省37个试点县数据的考察 /王晓洁

我国城乡社会保障均匀度的衡量方法和测度评价 /顾海兵......

[ 田雪原]:各位专家,各位同志大家上午好,首先祝贺中国社会科学院、经济学部结合相关研究所正式出版了《中国经济体制改革报告2012:建设成熟的社会主义市场经济体制》,这个报告我还没有来得及详细读,但是已经做了介绍,我也在下面翻了一下,觉得现在是非常及时的一个报告。现在卓元同志已经讲到了,现在改革,十八大讲进入到攻坚期、深水区。简单说我们经济体制改革1984年......

A new survey carried out by one of China's major State-owned banks has revealed that Chinese households expect their fortunes to shrink dramatically in the next six months. 

Bank of Communications Ltd collected data from 1,955 households with an after-tax annual income of at least 50,000 yuan ($7,936). 


According to a survey of 1,955 ho......
Beijing wields more economic influence than other large cities, even more than Paris, London and New York, suggests a report. 

Even so, the Chinese capital still lags behind comparable cities when gauged by its innovation, infrastructure and business conditions, according to the report published on Thursday by the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCo......
Forecasts for solid growth give China confidence in continent

Africa is likely to surpass the EU and the US to become China's largest trade partner in three to five years, a senior commerce official and government adviser said.


In the process of China's ongoing strategic repositioning in the global market, increasing effort is being made to b......
TOKYO -- China is willing to offer the eurozone support on getting through the difficulties, said Yi Gang, vice-governor of the People's Bank of China on the annual meetings of International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group Saturday in Tokyo.

Related reading: Hands still being held out for Chinese help

Eurozone may look to Beijing for funds......
BEIJING -- Farm produce prices in 36 large and medium-sized cities in China fell due to a large amount of supplies, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday.

Last week, the wholesale price of 18 types of vegetables dropped 5.5 percent from a week earlier, according to the ministry.

Prices of cabbages, radishes and lettuces declined 19 percent, 14.1 ......

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